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Picture Of Holiday Card With Man Looking Through A Window Saying

My 2019 Holiday Card

“Now he’s laying a finger aside of his nose…” I like to create my annual holiday cards based on pieces of porcelain that I’ve made, and also create them in a format that can be used as Christmas tree ornaments…

Fancy Badass

When our friend Monica described my sister-in-law Sandy as “not just a badass, she’s a FANCY badass” I knew I needed to make that into a piece of porcelain. But who would say or be the Fancy Badass in my…

Extra Attention for Tiger Lily

Today is the 12th birthday of our two kitties, Tiger Lily and The Flash. Last year at this time, we didn’t know that Scrumpy (The Flash’s common name) would only have a month and a half left, passing suddenly post-surgery after…

The First Daffodil

You might imagine that I’d watch for the first daffodil of the season with a particular passion, and you’d be right. I watch the first green shoots coming up, which this year was in mid January. I watch as the…

Happy Valentines!

I recently had fun with a few small pieces (love tokens?) for Valentines Day. At the small end I made a variety of little hearts based on the traditional candy hearts with messages, small enough to fit into a Valentines…

Pigeon Roost

This is a bespoke porcelain dinnerware set I made in 2016. Titled “Pigeon Roost” for the location of the vacation mountain house for which the collection was made, it consists of twenty-six pieces including plates, mugs, drinking glasses, shot glasses…

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