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2016 Holiday Greetings

There’s something wonderful about this time of year, a time when magic is in the air. Family, friends, parties, champagne, cocktails, big meals, cookies and cake, lights, music, singing and dancing. And one of the things I really look forward…

Places everyone!

My relationship with daffodils is not very complicated, it’s a simple story of love at first sight.   It’s like how you know your favorite color or car or ice cream flavor — it just is. The fact that daffodils…

My Top Five Art Accidents

Earlier in the week I tweeted a link to my previous blog post The Shattering, and after sending it I realized someone might read it and say “wait… your worst art accident? How many art accidents have you had?” Perhaps ceramicists, potters,…

The Shattering

If I were to describe what happened on the evening of May 27, 2015 as a tragedy some people might say I experienced a “first world" problem… “You broke some plates? Well last month I broke the screen on my…

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